A series of pictures for cock & rooster lovers

The words "cock" and "rooster" both refer to the male chicken, but their usage can lead to confusion and even offense. The origins of these terms can be traced back to Middle English, where "cock" was used to refer to both the male and female chicken. Over time, "cock" came to be used exclusively for the male chicken, while "hen" became the standard term for the female. "Rooster," on the other hand, has its roots in American English, where it was used to distinguish the male chicken from the female. Today, "rooster" is generally considered the more appropriate term in polite conversation, particularly in formal settings or when speaking to unfamiliar audiences.

Despite the linguistic evolution of these terms, the word "cock" has taken on additional meanings over time, some of which are considered vulgar or offensive. In some contexts, "cock" can refer to a male bird used for breeding or fighting, while in others it is used as a slang term for the male genitalia. As a result, using "cock" to refer to a male chicken can be seen as crude or inappropriate in certain situations. Understanding the nuances of language and choosing the appropriate term can be an important aspect of effective communication and respectful interaction with others.

In these t-shirt pictures, we are having fun with this pun. Lots of different texts with the image of a big brown cock. Get these from the Redbubble or Zazzle Store.

Big cock lovers club t-shirt

Big Cock Owners Club t-shirt.

Big cock lovers club baseball hat

Big Cock Lovers Club baseball hat.

Blink if you love cock t-shirt

Blink if you love cock shirts.

Blink if you want my cock t-shirt

Blink if you want my cock t-shirt.

Do ya wanna eat my cock pin button

Do ya wanna eat my cock pin button.

I Love big cock statement t-shirt.

I Love big cock statement T-shirt.

Massive Cock Lovers Club shirt.

Massive Cock Lovers Club shirt.

Show Me Your Cock t-shirt.

Show Me Your Cock t-shirt.

Wink if you like cock hoodie.

Wink if you like cock hoodie.

Wink if you want my cock coffee mug.

Wink if you want my cock coffee mug.

Rooster humor from the Redbubble or Zazzle store.
